

Stanley, C.Q., E.A. McKinnon, K.C. Fraser, M.P, MacPherson, G. Casbourn, L. Friesen, P.P. Marra, C.E. Studds, T.B. Ryder, N. Diggs, B.J.M. Stutchbury. 2014. Connectivity of Wood thrush breeding, wintering, and migration sites based on range-wide tracking. Conservation Biology. Early view 22 July 2014.


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Hallworth M.T., CE. Studds, T.S. Sillett and P.P. Marra. 2013. Do archival light-level geolocators and stable-hydrogen isotopes provide comparable estimates of breeding ground origin? Auk 130:273–282. pdf


McKinnon, E.A., C.Q. Stanley, K.C. Fraser, M.M. MacPherson, G. Casborn, P.P. Marra, CE. Studds, N. Diggs, B.J.M. Stutchbury. 2013. Live ground-truthing in temperate and tropical forest improves geolocator accuracy for a long-distance migratory songbird. Animal Migration 1:31-38. pdf


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Studds, C.E., K.P. McFarland, Y. Aubry, C.C. Rimmer, K.A. Hobson,P.P. Marra and L. I. Wassenaar. 2012. Stable-hydrogen isotope measures of natal dispersal reflect observed population declines in a threatened migratory songbird. Diversity and Distributions 18:919–930. pdf


Studds C.E., W.V. DeLuca, M. Baker, R.S. King and P.P. Marra. 2012. Land cover and rainfall interact to shape waterbird community composition. PLoS One 7:e35969. pdf

Studds C.E. and P.P. Marra. 2012. Reconsidering the role of precipitation and food availability in relation to effect of photoperiod on spring departure of a migratory bird. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 279:17–18 pdf


Knudson E., A. Lindén, C. Both, N. Jonzén, F. Pulido, N. Saino, W.J Sutherland, L.A. Bach, T. Coppack, T. Ergon, P. Gienapp, J.A Gill, O. Gordo, A. Hedenström, E. Lehikoinen, P.P. Marra, A. P. Møller, A.L.K. Nilsson, G. Péron, E. Ranta, D. Rubolini, T.H. Sparks, F. Spina, C.E. Studds, S.A. Sæther, P. Tryjanowski, N. Chr. Stenseth. 2011. Challenging claims in the study of migratory birds and climate change. Biological Reviews 86:928–946. pdf

Studds C.E. and P.P. Marra. 2011. Rainfall induced changes in food availability modify the spring departure program of a migratory bird. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 278:3437–3443. pdf


Marra P.P., C.E. Studds and M.S. Webster. 2010. Migratory connectivity. In Breed M.D. and Moore J (eds) Encyclopedia of Animal Behavior, pp. 455-461. Oxford: Academic Press. pdf


Reudink, M.W., C.E. Studds, T.K. Kyser, P. P. Marra and L.M. Ratcliffe. 2009. Plumage brightness predicts non-breeding season territory quality in a long-distance migratory songbird. Journal of Avian Biology 40:34–41. pdf


Studds C.E.,K. Kyser and P.P. Marra. 2008. Natal dispersal driven by environmental conditions interacting across the annual cycle of a migratory songbird. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105:2929–2933. pdf

DeLuca W.V, C.E. Studds, R.S. King and P.P. Marra. 2008. Coastal urbanization and the integrity of estuarine waterbird communities: threshold responses and the importance of scale. Biological Conservation 141:2669–2678. pdf

Reudink M.W., P.P. Marra, K.M. Langin, C.E. Studds, T.K. Kyser and L.M. Ratcliffe. 2008. Molt-migration in the American redstart re-visited: explaining variation in feather δD signatures. Auk 125:724–728. pdf


Studds C.E. and P.P. Marra. 2007. Linking fluctuations in rainfall to non-breeding season performance in a long-distance migratory bird. Climate Research 35:115–122. pdf


Marra, P.P. and C.E. Studds. 2006. The role of climate in driving within-season performance and carry-over effects from the non-breeding season for a long-distance migratory bird. Journal of Ornithology 147:68–69. pdf


Studds C.E. and P. P. Marra. 2005. Winter habitat quality and population processes: an upgrade experiment with a migratory bird. Ecology 86:2380–2385. pdf


DeLuca, W.V, C.E. Studds, R.S. King and P.P. Marra. 2004. Influence of land use on the integrity of marsh bird communities of Chesapeake Bay, USA. Wetlands 24:837–847. pdf